ThirdBrainFx Telegram Channel

ThirdBrainFx is publishing trades of our(s) robot(s) in its private telegram channel.

This telegram channel show messages like this screenshot shows :

ThirdBrainFx private telegram channel

We are broadcasting the strategies we think are the best at the moment.

We give you a price to buy or sell, a direction (SELL/BUY), when the robot did it in Central European Time, for the majority of trades a Stop Loss and a Take Profit.

We also give you in the same message statistics about the strategy which is playing like the number of pips gained in the last 90 days, the winning percentage, the maximal drawdown and the quality of the signal we rank from 0 to 12.

To see this advices, you need first to download Telegram – the social network – You can use it in your mobile phone or desktop.

After you need to have a secret link to access to our private telegram.

This secret link is sent to all people who register to our mailing list. To join it, just point your browser to :

Fill your best email and you will receive – free of charge – a link to access to our telegram channel.

This access is provided for 30 days free of charge, after you will need to get a TRADER PASS to continue onboard to receive such messages.

The TRADER-PASS comes with 6 of our best expert-advisors, the robot which are trading automatically for you and it cost 99 USD for a lifetime subscription.

You can get a Trader Pass going here :

My Membership – Checkout